
Shortlisted Abstracts
HIV Community Scholars Program

Gilead HIV Community Scholars Program
Empowering Community-Based Organizations to Create Possibilities for HIV Care
Announcement of Shortlisted Abstracts for the Gilead HIV Community Scholarship Program
We are pleased to announce the shortlist of abstracts selected under the Gilead HIV Community Scholarship Program. This program is dedicated to empowering community-based organizations and amplifying their impactful work in HIV prevention, harm reduction, and community health support.
Out of numerous compelling submissions, one abstract has been chosen for an oral presentation, and ten additional abstracts have been selected for poster presentations at the 6th Asia Pacific Chemsex Symposium (APCS) 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand. These projects cover a diverse array of themes, including:
Laws, policies, human rights, and gender
Community systems strengthening (including health systems and enabling environments)
Implementation Science
Social and behavioral sciences (with a focus on gender-based violence and consent in sex and substance use)
These themes underscore the complexity of the challenges faced and the dedicated efforts of our community scholars to address HIV care and harm reduction from multiple, essential perspectives.
Oral Presentation
Abstract number: 27016
Abstract Title: High, Fun, and Safe: A Community-Centered HIV and Harm Reduction Intervention for the MSM Chemsex Community in Vietnam
Authors: Phung Ba Thanh, Light House
Country: Vietnam
Poster Presentation
Abstract number: 42802
Abstract Title: Chemsex, HIV risk behaviors, and access to services among men who have sex with men and transgender women in Cambodia: A quantitative study
Authors: Sovannary Tuot, Vichea Ouk, Sovanvorleak Tep, Kiry Heng, Sok Chamreun Choub, Sovannarith Samreth, Vohit Khol, Steve Wignall, Eang Songheang, Oeur Sadat, Seng Por Srourn, Frits van Griensven
Country: Cambodia
Abstract number: 9164
Abstract Title: Navigating Chemsex Support and Care Landscape in Hong Kong
Authors: AIDS Concern
Country: Hong Kong
Abstract number: 18076
Abstract Title: Harm Reduction Intervention by Sadar Hati Foundation on Pople Who Use Methamphetamine (PWUM) related to Chemsex in Indonesia
Authors: Hanik Ati, Lum'atul Khoiroh
Country: Indonesia
Abstract number: 35077
Abstract Title: Successes and Challenges in Piloting Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) Services for Sexualized Drug Users Among Young Key Population in Yangon Myanmar
Authors: Myo Myat Aung, Htay Yu Yu San, Linn Htet, Zin Min Oo, Aung Phyo Kyaw, Kyaw Phyo Naing, Linn Aung Thu, Moe Kyaw Kyaw, Yin Min Thaung, Sai Lone Tip, Mahita Mishra
Country: Myanmar
Abstract number: 12604
Abstract Title: Embracing Pleasure: A Sex-Positive Approach to Chemsex and HIV Prevention in Pakistan
Authors: Muhammad Siddique Wali, Shahzeena Haider
Country: Pakistan
Abstract number: 32144
Abstract Title: Strengthening community systems for chemsex harm reduction: a person-centered approach in Multan
Authors: Wasaib Sanwaro
Country: Pakistan
Abstract number: 30128
Abstract Title: "Walking on Eggshells": Experiences and perceptions towards accessing HIV services among Filipino MSM engaged in chemsex during the Philippines' War on Drugs
Authors: Rodenie Arnaiz Olete, Kate Leyritana
Country: The Philippines
Abstract number: 13528
Abstract Title: Family empowerment via the arts: The creation of a healthy mutual support system and enabling environment for rehabilitation for gay substance users
Authors: Nan, J.K.M, Lin, X.R., Lin, Y.X., Huang, P.R., Chang, L.L., Liao, Y.Z., YL, S.Y., Hsu, S. C.
Country: Taiwan
Abstract number: 48073
Abstract Title: Recovery and Empowerment Mutual Aid Network for Chemsex Community
Authors: Sen Chieh Hsu, Secretary General of Taiwan Lourdes Association and Chih Hao Chiu, Project Manager of Taiwan Lourdes Association
Country: Taiwan
Abstract number: 1889
Abstract Title: Expanding Chemsex Interventions: The C-FLASH Model in Vietnam and Southeast Asia (2024-2026)
Authors: Hang Tran, Hien Vu, Trangn, Minh Pham, Duc Nguyen
Country: Vietnam
Abstract number: 28354
Abstract Title: Correlation Between Chemsex Behaviors and Mental Health Issues in Methamphetamine Users: Insights from the C-FLASH Project in Vietnam
Authors: Trang Nguyen, Linh Nguyen, Hien Vu, Hang Tran, Oanh Khuat, Duc Nguyen, Minh Pham,
Simon Williams
Country: Vietnam
We are excited for these scholars to present their work at APCS 2024, where they will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, gather feedback, and learn from peers and experts in the field. We look forward to seeing the positive impact these initiatives will bring to our communities.
Congratulations to all the selected participants!